How to live with more integrity, authenticity, and resilience.

Are You a Truth Seeker?

Today we live in a world where facts have no meaning, and all Truths seem fluid. How do we know what to believe anymore? Spiritual leaders teach that we each create our own unique reality based on the Truths we believe. So if you change what you believe, your reality changes. So what should we do when some part of our life stops working? Choose a Better Truth! 

To be clear, we will NOT be discussing politics. We’ll be addressing deeper and more important Truths.

In this newsletter, we’ll explore the solid juicy Truths about the nature of reality and our relationship to it. These annoying truths are easy to forget. These are the aggravating and altogether inconvenient Truths that we prefer to avoid because once known, they require increased responsibility in thought and action.

Bottom line: This newsletter aims to help you live with more integrity, authenticity, and resilience.

Why Am I An Expert?

I’ve been a Truth Seeker my entire life. I grew up in a home where secrets were currency. I spent my formative years asking questions that rarely got answered. I joined the Navy at 18 to learn Journalism, a career that taught me how to ask better questions. A few years after I left the Navy, I founded Point of Light, a holistic health and spirituality magazine for the Pittsburgh area. As the publisher, I had access to A-list experts on a variety of topics. In the last three decades, I’ve interviewed hundreds of people who talk about a reality much different than what you see on the evening news.


Just for Men?

As a man living in the holistic space, I saw how feminized the entire genre of Self Help books, workshops, classes, and retreats had become. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! After a couple of decades of being a highly developed metrosexual, however, the need to create men-friendly material became clear. The over-feminization of the industry is a huge turn-off to some men who may actually benefit from the material.

Many men don’t have much of an “inner life.” Some men would like to have one but don’t know any other men to talk with about such things. This newsletter provides a friendly place for men by stripping away the excess sentimentality, reducing the woo-woo, and adding things men like such as cuss words, tales of ribaldry, and a smart-ass attitude.

Certainly, everything here can be read by women. Females will find many benefits in knowing how men think about their inner lives and the big Truths. My only caveat is that when you read something like, “Chicks dig that,” understand that I’m gently mocking my own former attitudes. Please don’t lose your shit, become non-linear, or blow a gasket. Sometimes I talk like a sailor because for nine years I was one. Self-deprecating mockery and sarcasm are par for the course.

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Why subscribe?

This stack is a companion to the book I’m writing, “Choose a Better Truth.” Ultimately, both are a treatise on TRUTH.

Part memoir, and part collection of my most mind-expanding interviews, readers of the book (and this stack) will hear big Truths from people like Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, whose exploration of consciousness began on his trip back to Earth; Dr. Neal Barnard, founder of the Physicians Council of Responsible Medicine, who has inspired thousands to pay attention to what they put in their mouths; and Donna Eden, who cured herself of Multiple Sclerosis, then wrote the book Energy Medicine. These folks have chosen Truths that demonstrate how humility, a better diet, and understanding the unseen energies can radically change your life. Just by knowing the Truth.

You’ll also find stories from my life on how I learned these Truths, which usually involved a cosmic face plant when I ignored a Truth or two.

Choose a Better Truth by Sven Hosford is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, please consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

When you Subscribe, you will receive weekly newsletters that provide a foundation of better Truths to choose from. When you live congruently with these Truths, you’ll have an increased ability to know when someone is blowing smoke up your ass.

By subscribing, you’ll receive previews of the book. You’ll be my Beta Readers, which means you get to read sections before we go to print. Any feedback will help shape the content and tone of the book.

With a paid subscription, you’ll be supporting me and my work. You’ll also have access to the full-length interviews, early access to my podcasts, and a monthly Zoom call to discuss the Truths and how they are being followed or ignored by geniuses or nitwits.

Subscribe and you won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.

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Subscribe to Choose a Better Truth by Sven Hosford

Exploring the Truth about Truth, the Mind, the Body, Energy, Nutrition, Trauma, and more.


Seasoned journalist specializing in holistic and natural health, cannabis and mold toxicity.